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Powered By Eat From Farms

Pastured Chicken

The chickens raised for meat enjoy free ranging and getting the opportunity to eat bugs, grass and whatever else that comes along their path along with certified organic grain. Being certified organic ensures that all the grains used in the blend are also Non-GMO.

Pastured Organic Chickens

Our chickens are raised outdoors, and have access to not just grass but whatever they desire to forage for. The ones...

Pastured Chickens Parts

For your convenience, we make our pastured chickens available to you in parts, so you can buy what your family most...

Pastured Organic Boneless Chicken Breast

Boneless chicken breast perfect for that quick weekday meal. Ours come in a pack of 2 breast halves bones removed...

Pastured Organic Chicken Thighs

Our chicken thighs are sold in a pack of 4, bone-in & skin-on.

Pastured Organic Chicken Leg Quarters

Leg quarters are sold in packs of 2. Chicken leg quarters consist of the thigh with the drumstick still attached.

Pastured Organic Chicken Liver

Perfect for making chicken liver pate. If you have never had liver chicken livers are the best introduction into the...

Pastured Organic Chicken Feet

Chicken feet come to you cleaned and skinned. They have far more uses than just dog treats, as they make the most...

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