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We carry many different types of steak cuts from our pastured cattle, depending on our inventory at any given time.
The chickens raised for meat enjoy free ranging and getting the opportunity to eat bugs, grass and whatever else that...
The pigs raised here are a heritage breed - Yorkshire. They are raised outside on pasture and get to do all kinds of...
From our neighbors at Kriemhild Dairy their delicious Meadow Butter in salted and unsalted forms is available to order.
Veal that has been milk fed along with given a complete diet for optimum health and flavorful meat. The color of the...
Our lambs are born and raised right here on the farm. They are raised on grass during the growing season and in the...
Muscovy ducks are a meat breed which ensures you get a higher meat to bone ratio. They are terrific mothers and are...
Meat and parts from our pastured, grass fed animals. This is human grade however, due to the age of some of the...