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Rose' Veal

Slate Creek Farm

1 Ribeye Chop (2 chops per package) | Approx 1.5 Pound @ $26.50/Pound = $39.75 + $0.15 Assembly
1 Cutlets | Approx 1 Pound @ $22.00/Pound = $22.00 + $0.10 Assembly
1 Loin Chops | Approx 1.5 Pound @ $26.00/Pound = $39.00 + $0.15 Assembly
1 Leg roast | Approx 2 pounds @ $14.95/pounds = $29.90 + $0.00 Assembly
1 Veal Stew Meat | Approx 1 pound @ $12.95/pound = $12.95 + $0.10 Assembly
1 Ground Veal | Approx 1 Pounds @ $12.50/Pounds = $12.50 + $0.10 Assembly
1 Osso bucco | Approx 1 pounds @ $14.00/pounds = $14.00 + $0.15 Assembly
1 Bones for stock and broth | Approx 4 pounds @ $4.00/pounds = $16.00 + $0.40 Assembly
1 Boneless Shoulder of Veal | Approx 3 pounds @ $12.95/pounds = $38.85 + $0.30 Assembly
1 Boneless Breast of Veal | Approx 2.25 pounds @ $14.95/pounds = $33.64 + $0.23 Assembly

Various cuts available including bones for stock.

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